This issue: Focussing on heritage British brand Alfred Dunhill, and looking into the transformation from tobacconist to purveyor of fine luxury goods. Along with an exploration of Italian elegance, looking at Brioni, Rubinacci, and Vitale Barberis Canonico, plus with musings on the style and grace of Fred Astaire.
Fashion magazines are a dime a dozen, full of ads, overpriced clothing and glib tips on 'what's hot right now.' The Rake, on the other hand, stands alone as the only publication dedicated to the art of classic style. Named for Fiat and Ferrari kingpin Gianni Agnelli (aka 'The Rake of the Riviera'), the magazine focuses strictly on the finer things: bespoke tailoring, fine shoes, watches and accessories. But The Rake is more than a repository of expensive things, its pages bulge with feature articles on the men and women, past and present, who have shaped the history of style and 'the good life'.